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What is Positive Mental Health?

The Every Moment Counts initiative is based on a solid understanding of positive mental health – What it is? Why it is important for students? How to promote it? Who should be involved?

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.1 Mental health, then, is an integral part of overall health and quality of life and contributes to the functioning of individuals, families, communities, and societies.2

All children and adults need to learn how to develop and take care of their mental health in order to feel good emotionally, do well in everyday activities, and cope with challenges.3 Being mentally healthy helps us to manage our lives successfully and be happy.

Information shared in this section is designed to help you understand the dimensions of positive mental health and why mental health is important for students in order to evaluate, develop, and improve mental health in your own and other’s lives.


Remember this:

Positive Mental Health is reflected in:
  • Positive affect or emotions
  • Positive psychological and social function
  • Participation in meaningful and needed activities
  • Coping with life stressors