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Foundations of Every Moment Counts: Promoting Mental Health Throughout the Day
Small moments can make a big difference in how children feel and function. This webinar provides foundation information that guides the implementation of all aspects of Every Moment Counts. Participants will learn about positive mental health and how to apply a multi-tiered approach to mental health involving universal promotion, targeted prevention, and individualized intervention. Practical examples of how to embed evidence-based mental health promotion strategies throughout the day (classroom, lunch, recess, after-school) will be provided. Also included is a brief review of the model programs (Comfortable Cafeteria, Refreshing Recess, Calm Moment Cards, Making Leisure Matter), website resources, and how to build capacity of interdisciplinary teams to do this work. This is the first of a 5-part series on the Every Moment Counts’ initiative.
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What you'll receive:
- Power Point presentation (pdf) and a bonus video tour of the website. Access to webinar for 90 days.
- Personalized certificate of completion with contact hours after you have completed the webinar and submitted the feedback form. Contact hours: 2.0
Contact hours: 2.0
Topic Outline:
- What is mental health? Characteristics of positive mental health and impact on participation
- Legislation (IDEA, ESSA, Section 504) and how it influences school mental health
- Multi-tiered, public health approach to mental health in children/youth with and without disabilities and/or mental health challenges. Describing
- Tier 1, universal, mental health promotion: Evidence-based strategies for promoting mental health based on positive psychology research
- Tier 2, targeted, mental health prevention: Small group interventions and accommodations for students at-risk or demonstrating early signs of mental health challenges
- Tier 3, individualized intervention: Creating environments and interactions that support students with mental health challenges
- Brief overview of Every Moment Counts’ initiatives: Comfortable Cafeteria, Refreshing Recess, Calm Moments Cards, Making Leisure Matter
- Brief review of free website resources
- Identify the impact of legislation on school mental health (IDEA, ESSA, Section 504)
- Describe the dimensions of positive mental health and apply evidence-based mental health promotion strategies (e.g. mental health literacy) grounded in positive psychology research.
- Give examples of how to apply a multi-tiered, public health approach to mental health with children and youth at Tier 1 (universal mental health promotion), Tier 2 (targeted prevention), and Tier 3 (individualized) within school settings.
- Briefly describe the Every Moment Counts model programs and embedded strategies and be able to locate and use the website resources at www.everymomentcounts.org
Target Audience:
All adults serving youth. In particular, content is relevant for interdisciplinary school and community providers including occupational therapy practitioners, teachers (general and special education), school counselors and psychologists, school nurses, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, school administrators, PE teachers, youth providers (e.g. coaches).

Susan Bazyk, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Susan Bazyk, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA is the founding director of Every Moment Counts, which was launched in 2012. She has 40+ years’ experience as an occupational therapy (OT) practitioner, educator, and researcher. In addition to authoring the book, Mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention with children and youth: A guiding framework for occupational therapy (2011), Dr. Bazyk has authored over 40 journal articles and book chapters. Recent awards include Crain’s Cleveland Business Health Care Hero Award (2016), AOTA’s Award for Innovative and Emerging Practice (2018), and World Learning Fulbright Specialist Award (2019-2024). Sue is committed to building capacity of interdisciplinary teams to learn about and implement Every Moment Counts strategies and programs. She presents and consults both nationally and internationally.
Related Publications:
Bazyk, S., Pataki, K., & DeBoth, K. (2020). Building Capacity of Occupational Therapy Students to Address the Mental Health Needs of Children and Youth during a Level II Fieldwork in a School Setting, Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention, DOI: 10.1080/19411243.2020.1776186
Bazyk, S., Demirjian, L., LaGuardia, T., Thompson-Repas, K., Conway, C., & Michaud, P. (2015). Building capacity of occupational therapy practitioners to address the mental health needs of children and youth: Mixed methods study of knowledge translation. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69, 6906180060p1–6906180060p10.
Bazyk, S., Demirjian, L., Horvath, F., & Dosxey, L. (2018). The Comfortable Cafeteria program for promoting student participation and enjoyment: An outcome study. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74 (3), 1-9, https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot2018.02379
Bazyk, S. (Ed.). (2011). Mental health promotion, prevention, and intervention with children and youth: A guiding framework for occupational therapy. Bethesda, MD: AOTA Press.
Disclaimer: The Every Moment Counts webinars are intended for educational purposes only and do not replace independent professional judgment. Implementation results depend on participant’s clinical expertise and commitment to best practice with children/youth and families served. As such, Every Moment Counts, LLC is not responsible for the outcomes or results that you anticipate from learning about and using the information presented.
For questions regarding this webinar, please contact us.